This week, the new recruits finally received their time in the shop working with and learning from the veterans of the team. Prior, however, the team was split between mechanical and electrical with each new recruit given the option to choose what aspect of the car they would like to work on. After choosing, the new members would meet within their subgroups to get directions as to what is needed to be accomplished before racing season. Now that the assignment of jobs is finished, the solar racing team can now make a big step in production of the new car this year.
Sunday, November 6th, was the first time the recruits stepped foot into the shop to actually work on the car. “It was a great experience,” mechanical team recruit Sam Jacinto said, “I received a lot of hands on experience and the veterans had no problem helping with things I didn’t understand.” All of the car has been stripped besides the chassis so that the sub groups can work on all projects of the automobile. The team is well underway to accomplishing all of it’s goals by racing season.